Subbing Your Fav Snacks with Healthy Options!

Hey Everyone, 

I know I've done snack posts before but this one is a little different.  I was thinking, what if you want your usual snack, just the healthy version?  We love what we love.  Luckily, there are a lot of different options out there that offer the "healthy version" of the snacks you already love.  You might have to go to more specialty stores like Harris Teeter, Whole Foods, or Wegman's, but it will be worth it.  Enjoy a few great substitutes!

Fig Bars vs. Fig Newtons
Fig Bars have more natural ingredients and are a great alternative to your afternoon snack.  You can even use it for a morning granola bar.  They are kosher, cholesterol free, dairy free, and have no GMO's. 


KIND Bars vs. Chewy Granola Bars

KIND bars are gluten free and you can actually see the nutrients in this bar!  KIND bars offers 5 more grams of protein, more filling calories, and 7 grams of fiber!


Skinny POP vs. Orville Redenbacher's Butter Popcorn

With less fat, less sodium, and less carbohydrates, Skinny POP is the way to go.  It also has better natural ingredients so fill up your cup and pop in your favorite movie!


Halo Top vs. Ben and Jerry's

Find this awesome alternative at places like Whole Foods and organic markets.  Halo Top has only 280 calories (roughly depending on flavor) versus Ben and Jerry's whopping 1200 calories.  It can satisfy your sweet tooth without leaving you with all of the regret.  Check it out!

