Myths Debunked!

Hey Everyone,

This is the week of our last treadmill talk!  Let's go into depth a little bit more about one of our myth topics - The Fat Burning Zone.  You know when you hop on the treadmill and see that chart to the side showing your suggested heart rate for certain intensities?  Ever see zones labeled fat burning?  This what we're talking about today!  This article for the day will delve into why we burn fats at lower intensities but also why it's important to have a wide mix of intensities in your workouts.  

You can't spot reduce certain area (another myth!) so if you're trying to do low intensities exercises just to cut the fat out of your stomach, you may not be seeing the results you want.  Your body will reduce in different ways.  Some people lose it in their legs while others lose it in their stomach or arms first.  Everyone is different so think of a calorie as a calorie.  Burn as much as you need to reach your goals and the fat will come off as you go!  
