Meme's of the Month!

Hello May!

With the start of this new month, here are a few funny meme's to get your day going.  I hope you had a wonderful weekend.  Hopefully, those April showers are over because I'm looking forward to some flowers and outside time!

The Internet Is Preparing for the Onslaught of "It’s Gonna Be May" Justin Timberlake Memes  It's Gonna Be May, Justin Timberlake:

I just can't wait to be Fit!!! or  I just can't wait to be in a smaller size lol:

Sharing this little piece of thought via Eat Local Grown!:

Fitness Humor #105 Beast Mode:

Gym humor Running-me. #Repost @9gag with @repostapp. ・・・ My relationship with running. #9gag #Argh @9gagmobile:

Why do weekends have to be so hard?!:

Gym humor:

Leggings Fit All Sizes! Diet and Fitness Humor, Fitness Memes, Gym Memes, Fitness Addict, Gym Addict, Gym Life, Fit Life, Fit Girl, Fit Chick, Fitness Models, Abs, Legs, Squats, Burpees, Kettle Bells, Lunges, Bootcamp, Women's Fitness, Gold's Gym, Cardio, Running, Weight Watchers, 21 Day Fix, Beachbody, Jillian Micheals,  Weight Loss, Fat, Funny, Haha, Lol, LMAO, JK Commerce:

gym humor squats squat lower trainer workout funny:

How I feel when I walk in to the gym on the weekend and no-ones there! #Fitness #Humour:
