Life can be fast paced and crazy, but there are always ways to promote healthy living and weight loss. Here are a few easy tips to add into your daily schedule!
- When driving, don't go for the closest parking spot. Instead, park towards the back of the lot and add in those extra steps!
- Take the stairs. As widely known as this tip is, you'll still be amazed at how much it raises your heart rate and leaves you out of breath. Work on the 10th floor? Take the stairs until you feel tired, then grab the elevator. Make a goal to reach a new floor each week!
- Keep a water bottle with you at all times. You'll be shocked at how much more you'll drink when it's consistently there. Water too boring? Slice and freeze raspberries, cucumbers, lemons, or strawberries. Not only will they keep your drink cold but you can mix and match for some new flavors!
- Set yourself up for success! Pack healthy lunches without the temptations of junk food or chips to snack on. Cravings too strong? Use my 80/20 rule! 80% healthy foods and 20% of something to satisfy that craving. This will help you maintain it long term!
- Vie for the farther metro station. Instead of hopping on the one closest to you, choose to walk to the next station 15 minutes away. Every bit counts!
- Put any leftovers in the refrigerator before eating your meal. You'll be less tempted to take it out and re heat it for seconds.
- Smaller plates = smaller portions. Opt for the smaller dinner plate to prevent overloading. You could also use a smaller fork which slows down how fast you eat, giving your body time to recognize it is full.
- Change the background on your phone. We look at our phones constantly. Why not give put a motivational wallpaper up to remind you of your clean eating habits and workout plan?
- Plan your workout the night before. Your workout will have clear structure and it will be easier to fit it in!
- Find a jar around the house and turn it into a reward program! Add a dollar for each workout you complete throughout the week. Once it's full, treat yourself with a new water bottle or workout shirt. (Your new item will only get you pumped to use it in your next workout. What a beautiful cycle!)
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