Workout of the week G.I. JOHO #1

Workout of the week:
G.I. JOHO Competition
Day 1
1000 meter row @ 7 tension
Row for time

  1. The proper rowing stroke consists of 4 phases:
    1. The catch
    2. The drive
    3. The finish
    4. The recovery
  3. Getting Started
    • Sit on the seat, strap your feet into the foot pads and grab the handles with an overhand grip.
    • Extend you arms straight toward the flywheel, and keep your wrists flat.
    • Slide forward on the seat until your shins are vertical.
    • Lean forward slightly at the hips.
  5. The Drive Position
    • Begin the drive by extending your legs and pushing off against the foot pads.
    • Keep your core tight, arms straight, and back firm as you transfer power to the handles.
    • As you knees straighten, gradually bend your arms and lean your upper body back.
    • Finish with a slight backward lean.
  6. The Finish Position
    • Bend your elbows and pull the handle into your abdomen.
    • Extend your legs
    • Lean back slightly at the hips.
  7. The Recovery Position
    • Extend your arms by straightening your elbows and returning the handle toward the flywheel.
    • Lean your upper body forward at the hips to follow the arms.
    • Gradually bend your knees and slide forward on the seat to the start position.
  8. The Catch Position
    1. Similar to the start position, extend your arms straight toward the flywheel and keep your wrists flat.
    2. Slide forward on the seat until your shins are vertical.
    3. Lean slightly forward at the hips
    4. You are ready for the next stroke.
Common Rowing Machine Mistakes
  1. Leaning too far back at the finish position
  2. Leaning too far forward in the catch position
  3. Jerking the handle back with the arms.
  4. Starting the drive with the low back instead of the legs.
