Holiday Portion Control

Holiday Portion Control

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Portion control and moderation is critical for weight management. It allows you to enjoy all food without the guilt or weight gain, unlike dieting which can leave you feeling deprived. Here are some tips to help you eat sensibly and work towards portion control during the holidays and everyday. 

1. Eat Slowly 

At dinner, eat slowly and savor each bite, paying attention to your hunger signals. Also, wait 10 to 15 minutes before getting seconds to allow your hunger cues to kick in and tell you if you want more.

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2. Use a smaller plate

Skip the dinner plate and use a salad or dessert-sized plate to make it appear that you are eating more than you actually are. This way you will save room for dessert too! 

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3. Load up on veggies first

This helps you fill up on less calories. But be aware if they contain excessive amounts of added fat such as butter or dressing. Vegetables contain fiber, which keeps you feeling full. 

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4. Makeover a traditional recipe

If you are contributing to the meal, create a healthier, lower-calorie version of your dish. 

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5. Don't skip meals leading up to your holiday feast

You might think that you are saving calories, but skipping meals leaves you starving by dinner and can lead to overeating. Eat sensibly before the holiday meal. 

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