Sleep Tips

Getting to sleep on time and for long enough is not always easy. Most people would like to get more sleep, or more restful sleep, but can't. Here are some tips from The Sleep Foundation and Spine-Health:

1.) Stick to a regular schedule
Why: Sticking to a regular sleep schedule will help keep your circadian rhythm in check, making it easier to fall asleep.

2.) Create a relaxing bedtime ritual
Why: Having a bedtime ritual will eventually "train" you to fall asleep after completing it. A bedtime ritual can be as simple as cleaning your room, turning a fan on, getting a glass of water and then turning the lights out.

3.) Exercise daily
Why: Exercise helps to create adenosine, a chemical signal that builds up in the brain during wakefulness and causes drowsiness.

4.) Avoid blue light at night, get natural sunlight in the mornings
Why: Human eyes have special sensory neurons that produce signals in response to blue-toned light that help to induce wakefulness in the morning, and throughout the day. Too much blue light at night "tricks" your brain into thinking that it is daytime and makes it difficult to sleep.

5.) Avoid cigarettes, alcohol, and big meals before bed
Why: Alcohol and cigarettes can disrupt sleep, and eating a large meal can cause intestinal discomfort making more difficult to fall asleep.

6.) Set aside time before bed to organize thoughts and emotions
Why: Some people find their minds extremely busy when they finally lay down to sleep. In this fast-paced world it can be difficult to slow down and organize your thoughts before bedtime. Taking a few minutes of time outside of bed, without distractions (cell phones, computers, books) can help to sort out these thoughts.

7.) Ensure that your mattress and pillows are comfortable
Why: Being comfortable is an important part of good rest. Many people unknowingly keep their mattress and pillows past the point when they should be replaced. This may not be noticeable because it is not a sudden change, but can affect sleep in the long run. Check the expiration date on your mattress!

8.) Decrease the ambient temperature
Why: Human body temperature is at its lowest point during the night, and keeping the room cold will help bring it down. This will also make thermoregulation at night easier, allowing one to cool off by removing layers. A good temperature to start at would be 67-69 degrees.
