Coffee! Is it good or bad?

Good Morning, 

This is such a conflicting topic because I am sure you've heard people saying both.  And even if it's healthy, how much is too much coffee?  I have to admit these early 6am mornings are finally getting to me and I have caved and started drinking coffee!!  Now since I am a beginner, my coffee is half creamer but I have to start somewhere right?  I know adding so much creamer isn't as healthy but I am trying to work my way down from it.  Well I hope this article featured from "The Today Show" gives you a little glimpse in how to keep your coffee healthy.  Keep in mind that with anything, having it raw (or black) is going to be the most healthy and the more sugar and creamer you add will increase it's calories.  Needless to say, we can abandon our old school way of thinking and start to look at plain coffee as a nice addition to our day.  A lot of those old theories are based on studies back in the 70's that had a lot of other factors giving negative results, such as cigarette smoking.  Let's move into a new day with the mindset that moderation and having foods/drinks raw is the way to go!
