Strength Exercises to Avoid!


Hey Guys, 

This by far is my favorite post!  I give a lot of information about different exercises to mix into your workouts but what about exercise that you shouldn't do?  I've been wanting to do this for a while because I see so many people doing exercises that can cause injuries in the long run.  Knowing the bio mechanics of the body is hard, especially when you have a ton of internet posts telling you different things.  That's why you have your JOHO staff!  Take it from me, I can personally agree with these 5 exercises being detrimental, especially if you are using the equipment incorrectly.  Not all equipment was designed with the best intentions and it's important to be educated on proper form and why they should be avoided.  The best part about this article is that is also explains why it shouldn't be done.  Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

(This is a NO!)
