Mix it Up!

Hello Hello!

If you have been to any of my classes, you know that I LOOVVVEE variations.  Instead of regular push-ups, burpees, or jump squats, I try to change them slightly to prevent boredom and to work your muscles in different ways.  In the interest of offering you something different, I have decided to start creating "Mix it Up" posts.   The exercise of the day? Prone Plate Switches.  


No one likes doing straight planks for 3-5 minutes.  Switch it up and add a little weight with the prone plate switch.  Grab five to ten 5lb plates.  While in the plank position, on your elbows, move each plate from one side to the other.  Careful not to drop or raise your hips (Hint: Run parallel to a mirror to check your form)  It is much harder than it looks!  Try 30 second timed intervals or aim to switch plates 3-5 times. 
(P.s. Don't forget to check out our "Exercise Flip Flop" board for different "back" exercises this month!)
