The Iron Cowboy

Hello Hello!

Tuesdays are always the slowest day of the week for me.  The dreaded Monday has passed, but we are still on the up climb to hitting Wednesday.  :(   Lucky for you, I found this article and thought this was something I had to share!.  After listening to this interview, I found some motivation in James Lawrence, otherwise known as "The Iron Cowboy."  If he can accomplish this HUGE feat, I think we can each strive to fit an hour workout into our day.

Just in case you missed it, here are the three parts of an Ironman Triathlon:

2.4 mile swim
112 mile bike ride
FULL marathon run (26.2 miles)

People will train months for one Ironman Triathlon.  He did 50 of them in a row!  Can you imagine the amount of training he did?

Get out there, set your own goals, and create your own individualized challenge!
