New York Times 7 Minute Workout

Hello to all of my fit friends! The other day, I received a great suggestion from a  member at one of my sites about some content for this blog. He sent two articles from the New York Times that present a "7 minute workout." Yes, only 7 minutes! Unlike many infomercials and fads, this quick burst workout is backed by science from university researchers and exercise physiologists. (You all know how much I love science!). As we head into the hustle and bustle of the holiday season (please hold the holiday music until after Thanksgiving for my sanity) we can all benefit from a quick workout that we can do when just getting to the gym seems like too much.  Between prepping, shopping, and hugging relatives we haven't seen in approximately 10 years, I assure you that you can find 7 minutes for this one. Your body and frazzled brain will thank you!

There are 2 versions of this workout. The original 7 minute workout uses only body weight and the advanced version uses dumbbells. Both are great total body workouts. The creators of the workout have also designed a mobile phone app (optional) that can guide you through the workouts. (How cool?!) The information for the apps can be found on the same link as the workouts.

Original Version:

30 seconds of each exercise, in order, no rest

Follow the link below for details

Credit: New York Times

Advanced Version:

Follow the times listed and complete each exercise in order, no rest.

*the times on the picture are easy to read on the link, this is just to give you an idea*

Credit: New York Times

Give these science-based, total body workouts a try. I know you've got 7 minutes to spare to get that daily exercise in! It will make the pie taste so much better : )
