Snack Healthier (& Halloween Sweet Treat!)

Hi there everyone! After talking with many of you during the challenge, there seems to be an overwhelming demand for healthy snack ideas. Healthy meals are very important but the reality is that many of us tend to snack all day (especially at work) instead of sitting down for a healthy meal. There is even evidence to support that these habits can be good for weight loss, IF, the snacks are healthy and you are conscious about what you're eating. Therefore, I decided to do a follow up post to this week's Meal Makeover Monday with a Snack Healthier focus! Below I have listed my top ten favorite healthy snack ideas with links to recipes. Click the name of the snack to get to the original post with directions.

1. Brown Bag Popcorn (chocolatecoveredkatie Blog)- a MUCH healthier version of store-bought microwave popcorn, which is loaded with oils and additives we can't pronounce
Photo Credit: Chocolate Covered Katie Blog

2. Brownie Bites (Detoxinista Blog)- YES, SERIOUSLY. This exists. These little bites of deliciousness use only a few simple ingredients, no refined sugar, and really taste like a fudgy brownie!!
Photo Credit: Detoxinista

3. Cucumber Cups with your choice of stuffing- There is not a link for this one but they are super simple. You just slice a cucumber (roughly in 4ths) and use a melon baller or regular spoon to hollow out the section. Then fill with hummus or greek yogurt chicken salad (DamnDelicious blog) for a nutrient packed snack!
photo credit-

5. Smoothies- What can I say?? These are such a classic healthy snack. You can even make a bunch ahead of time and keep them in your freezer. Then in the morning, throw one in your lunch and it will be defrosted and ready for snack time! My favorite way to make a smoothie is:

~1 cup of low fat Kefir (seriously this is my new favorite thing! its like liquid magic with probiotics) *Greek yogurt is fine too if you don't want Kefir*
1 tablespoon of chia seeds (antioxidants and thickens it up!)
~1 cup frozen fruit (blueberries are a favorite of mine for a heart healthy fiber boost!)
~1/2 a cup or more of leafy greens (kale/baby spinach)
~additional liquid (milk, coconut water etc.) if needed

Tip: if you find the taste of the spinach or kale overwhelming, try adding some frozen pineapple in with your fruit portion. Works like a charm!


6. Black Bean Dip (Sweet Treats and More Blog)- I recommend pairing this awesome dip with naked pita chips for a satisfying and filling snack! You could even sneak this into your kid's lunch without them realizing they are eating beans!
Photo Credit- Sweet Treats and More Blog

7. Banana "Wrap"- All things amazing, wrapped up and sliced into bite size heaven. Elvis would be impressed. Take a whole wheat/ multigrain tortilla, spread natural peanut butter (no added sugar or oil) on it, then lay a banana on the tortilla and roll it up! Slice into bite size pieces. *pro tip from L&T staff (Joel): add a dash of smoked Paprika or Cayenne for a little extra spice*
Banana Dog Bites
photo credit: Buzzfeed

8. Avocado Toast-Super simple and really curbs the craving for something rich. Smash half an avocado with some garlic. Drizzle with olive oil and spices if you'd like. Then Spread it on multi-grain toast. Enjoy!

 Avocado Toast
Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

9. Healthy "Monster" Cookies - Cookies that you don't have to feel guilty about! Try using natural peanut butter to reduce sugar content. They contain bananas and heart healthy nuts to give you the afternoon boost you need!
Photo Credit: The Skinny Fork Blog

10. Ranch Oven Roasted Chick Peas- Try these savory, crunchy bites for a protein packed snack the whole family will love! Added bonus- none of the chemicals in traditional ranch dressing!

Photo Credit- Luminous Vegan Blog

Try these snacks to help to combat that mid-afternoon vending machine craving. You'll probably be surprised how much the kids like them too!

As promised, I will finish this post with a sweet treat makeover in honor of Halloween. I can't wait to share this recipe with you. If  you read this blog regularly, you know I am a big fan of the Detoxinista Blog. She does AMAZING food makeovers. She recently posted a recipe for healthy Snickers-like bars. They. look. so. awesome.
Am I right?!

Photo Credit: Detoxinista Blog

Hope you all get a chance to make some of these awesome recipes this weekend so that you will have them for next week! Have a safe and Happy Halloween!!
