Maintaining Your Weight Throughout the Holidays!

How can you try to maintain your weight and heart-health during such a tempting time?
Try these tips to surviving the holiday hoop-la, which are a sure-fire success for this season and in the future ones to come.

GET MOVING: One of the most effective ways to maintain or lose body weight is to engage in regular, sustained exercise.

AIM FOR 7-A-DAY: Making sure you eat seven or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day is a great way to fill up your stomach, but not your calorie level.

CONTROL THE RISK FOR TEMPTATION: Controlling even the slightest chance of coming in contact with 'tempting' foods is one way to effectively reduce your intake.  

LIMIT TO ONE-A-DAY: Allow yourself one small serving of a cookie or piece of candy each day during the holiday season. 

ALWAYS PLAN AHEAD--NEVER GO TO A PARTY HUNGRY! Eat a healthy snack, so when you arrive at the party, you will not be craving hors d'oeuvres.

BE IN CHARGE OF YOUR PARTY CHOICES! Choose a smaller plate, avoid sauces, choose unfrosted desserts (typically lower calorie) and watch the drinks. :)

FOCUS ON SOCIALIZING: Don't stand around the food table when you are at a party. Focus your energies on making conversations with others, it's calorie free! 

