Only have 10 minutes?
Here are some great ways to burn 100 calories!
1. Intervals!!
Find a set of stairs and run up them as fast as possible. When you get to the top drop and do five burpees. Run down the stairs and repeat.... repeat...repeat! Do as many times as you can in ten minutes!
2. Spinning!
Even if there isn't a class going on, jump on a bike and push hard for ten minutes! Play with increasing resistance and speed to mix it up!

3. Squat thrusters and plank jacks
Do 10 squat jacks: grab 10-15lb dumbbells. Hold them by your shoulders while you go into a squat. As you stand up, press the weigh overhead. Follow with 10 plank jacks! Put yourself into a plank position (pictured), then jump your feet out wide and then back together. Your arms will stay in place. Repeat each round as many times as possible for ten minutes.
Both these moves are great overall body calorie scorchers!
 4. Jump Rope
The most simple exercise to torch some calories! You don't need to get fancy like the gentlemen in the picture! Just keep jumping!
5. Sprints
Sprints can add a boost to any workout! Push yourself just a little harder than you normally would to get that quick burn and burn off some calories!
Have fun!
