Health Screening

C-Reactive Protein Screening 
PHB 8am-12pm Tuesday, August 27
JCB 8am-12pm Wednesday, August 28
RFK 7am-11am Thursday, August 29
 $38.00 per screening

What Should I Expect From This Screening?
A trained health professional/technician performs a finger stick test to obtain three drops of blood which is then sent to a certified lab where it is assessed for C-Reactive Protein (CRP) levels. Elevated CRP levels indicate inflammation of the artery walls around the heart caused by atherosclerosis. The higher the CRP level, the higher the risk of having a heart attack. Confidential results are sent by mail directly from the laboratory to the participant within 5-10 business days.

How to Register:

Username: JOHOFitness
Password: screenings

Please note: username and password are case sensitive
