Workout of the Week 
Step Ups!

Here is a helpful bit on different stair exercises that you can perform!

There are two main types of stair steppers: Stepmills, which resembles a very short escalator; and the generic stepper, which sports two pedals that you work up and down to simulate a stair-climbing motion. Both types of steppers are capable of providing a moderate to intense cardiovascular workout if you're willing to step at a fast enough pace, or with enough resistance, that you breathe hard and break a sweat.


Stair steppers work your hamstrings, glutes, quads and calves. Full-size stair steppers almost never have attachments or accessories for working your upper body, and are not designed to accomodate upper-body weight lifting as you step.


According to Harvard Health Publications, a general stair stepper workout will burn anywhere from 180 to 266 calories in half an hour, depending on your body weight. This works out to anywhere from 360 to 532 calories per hour, or 6.5 to 10 hours of stepping to burn off 3,500 calories, the equivalent of one pound of body fat.


Stair steppers qualify as an aerobic exercise because they get large muscle groups working rhythmically for an extended period of time. Just a few of the benefits of regular aerobic exercise include weight loss, a stronger immune system, reduced risk of developing chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, a stronger heart and lower blood pressure, according to the Mayo Clinic.


Because full-size stepper machines have longer lever arms on the pedals than mini steppers, they offer a greater range of motion, sometimes allowing your knees to bend as much as 90 degrees. This, in turn, gives you a more complete workout than you'd receive with a mini stepper.


Because your feet never leave the stair climber's pedals, there's little impact on your joints. This makes stair stepping an ideal form of cardio exercise if you have back or neck problems, or any other conditions that keep you from tolerating the repeated impact of activities like running on a treadmill.


Your muscles get better at what you train them to do. Because stair steppers simulate climbing stairs or a steep uphill slope, they make good sport-specific training for climbers, hill runners and anyone else who needs to be able to walk or run uphill for long distances. If you want to get better at running stairs or running up hills, pedal the stair stepper at a fast pace. If you plan to walk up hills, you can work the stepper more slowly.

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