Workout of the Week
Plyometrics for beginners!
Here are some plyometric exercises that you can add to your workout!
(Safety Notice: Plyometrics are by their nature intense. You'll be putting a lot of load on your joints and tendons. If you haven't worked out in a while, it would be prudent to avoid plyometric exercises to your routine until you've built up your strength and flexibility  with regular cardio, weight training, and stretching. When you first start off, take it slow and focus on performing the exercises in a controlled manner. You should always warm up with some light jogging and stretching before you begin. Allow adequate resting time between plyometric workouts)
Sets & Reps: 3 Sets of 12 reps with 1 minute in-between sets, up to 3 minutes rest in-between different exercises. Plyometrics can be done up to 2 times a week with several days rest in-between the next plyometric exercise day.
Chose 3 of these exercises for your plyometric exercise routine, when first starting perform each specific exercise up for 1 set and  12 reps. I.E 1 set of box jumps for 12 reps, 1 set of tuck jumps for 12 reps, 1 set of lateral jumps for 12 reps. You can eventually increase the amount of sets as you gain more strength, flexibility, and skill with the exercises.
Here are a list of different plyometric exercises
Power Skipping
Tuck Jumps
Alternate Leg Bounding
Box Jumps
Vertical Depth Jump
Plyometric Push up
