Mix It Up! Crab Walk Toe Touches

Hey All,

It's been a while since I've done a mix it up post!  I know I know, you're itching for that next exercise so here it is, crab walk toe touches.  Before you turn away, hear me out!  They might sound a little different but they will work your shoulders and core!  It even ties in with our Fit for 5K strength program so if you're doing the program I am here to help explain!  So, what is a crab walk toe touch?

The goal is to bring your hand towards your foot while staying in a table top position.  This is a great exercise to add into a circuit.  It not only raises your heart rate and strengthens your core but also works on coordination and balance.  I feel like I talk about functional strength a lot but for good reason!  You want to build those aspects of your body so you can be functional in your every day life longer!  If this exercise seems a little tough, why don't you try one aspect?  Either reach your arm or your leg up.  You can also put a mat down for your wrists for more support.  Get working!
