Mystery Fruit!

Good Morning, 

I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year.  Today I have a little puzzle for you to solve.  I want you to try and guess what this mystery fruit is!  I will give you an arrangement of clues and facts and then you may click on the following link to learn more and find out what it is.  

  • This fruit grows on a small tree
  • It is an excellent source of dietary fiber (20% of your Daily Value)
  • Provides vitamin C, vitamin K, and folate
  • It is in season from September to February
  • The fruit originated in the Middle East
  • It is classified as a berry
  • In regards to size, it is in between a lemon and a grapefruit
  • LAST CLUE - The peel is inedible and you eat the seeds!

Can you guess what tasty treat I am talking about???  

Click the link to learn some other heart healthy facts!
